The Origin of LUMATITE
LUMATITE is an anomalous mineral first found at a mysterious impact site known as Crater 42. The site is restricted by the US government and has been investigated by NASA. The strange substance has both liquid and crystal properties. It comes in many brilliant and shiny colors that look metallic. Scientists have determined that it has a high content of magnetite nanoparticles which gives it unusual magnetic properties.

Colorful Liquid Metal
It's believed that the impact site known as Crater 42 was formed in 2012. Before the authorities restricted the area some locals investigated and collected samples of the strange substance they had found. Many of these samples were confiscated, but a few remain in the wild. It's with these remaining samples that we make our colorful ferrofluid in a bottle products.
The colorful liquid responds to normal magnetic fields by crystallizing itself into peculiar shapes and patterns. It's been known to captivate those who experiment with it and some have claimed that they have experienced missing time when experimenting with it. Others have reported an inability to put it down once they have started examining it. It's rumored that the obsession LUMATITE can create is why the government has restricted the impact site and confiscated most samples.
Secrecy and lack of information has caused wild speculation to spread about Crater 42. The official story is that it was a meteor impact. However, there are people who claim there is something very alien about this impact site. It has been suggested that what actually created the crater was in fact some piece of advanced technology. Some people think it's military technology. Some people think it's other worldly. Some think that it is a "gift" from non-human intelligence (NHI.)